1) Car Quiz
2) Quiz Diva First Trip
3) Quiz Diva Second Trip
4) Quiz Diva Third Trip
5) Random Quizzes
6) Quizila Quizzes
Car Quizzes

Which VW Are You?
by Auto Glass America

Should You Be Driving a Yugo?
by Auto Glass America
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Quiz Diva Trip #1
An unexpected bonus for just about every guy on the planet.
He’s plowing you and you’re yelling for more.
Talk dirty, talk cheap, scream his name, scream complete gibberish. No matter.
You are the Mariah Carey of the bedroom and he loves every fucking syllable that spews from your luscious mouth.
Maybe you’re the "Mary the Librarian" type by day.
But by night, honey, watch out.
The vocal chords let loose with everything your heart and mind have been thinking about all day long.
What Cocktail Are You?
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You Get Off on Hansel and Gretel!
You're both lost in the woods: two unchaperoned virgins neglected by their parents and free to play doctor...
But that jealous witch tries to upset your plans!
Or maybe it's a morality tale about being a bit too greedy for a nibble on someone's sugar shack, and getting your goose cooked as a result?
Then again, you could be confusing your lust for food with plain old lust.
What Fairy Tale Gets *You* Off?
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quizdiva.com/dismissed.gif" alt="dismissed" width="150" height="150" border="0">
You Should Be On Dismissed!
You're hot as hell, but more importantly,
you know how to play (and win!) the game of love. You'll win the heart
of whoever you want, and your competition *will* be dismissed!
What Reality TV Show Should You Be On? Click Here to Find Out!
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You Are a Kogyaru!
If it's cute, you'll wear it. Fake and bake, hair bleach, and bright makeup line your bathroom cabinet.
As for clothes - anything that's short and cute ("kawaii!").
You are the prize object of all sorts of men - but you are really looking for a rich foreign guy.
He'll find you out hanging out in Shibuya shopping at the 109, text messaging and sending photos over your cellphone.
What's *Your* Japanese Subculture?
About Your Kissing Style:
Your lips are totally kissable baby, and you know how to use them.
You are the perfect - with the right combo of lips and tongue.
It's important to flaunt it, so kiss early and often on dates!
What Your Kissing Style Says About You:
You're 100% hot, and you know it. You're all about being sexy, all the time.
You have no trouble scoring dates or kisses ...
Just trouble getting rid of jealous people trying to show you up!
You attract attention from every hot guy and girl... even before you show off your kissing skills.
Your Personal Kissing Matches and Mismatches:
Go out with another Juicy Kisser and you'll be the power couple of the party. Sure, you'll have a ton of
hot kisses, but only after everyone there has checked you guys out. Hook it up with a
Romantic Kisser and you may have found your soulmate.
Romantic Kissers will be attracted to your appeal, and you'll appreciate their loyalty.
Keep away from Carnal Kissers! They'll just try to play you for sex, and
ruin your reputation in a heartbeat. And Freaky Kissers are way too wild and
rough for your style. You prefer pleasure to pain, thank you very much.
How Do *You* Kiss?
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Note: I was feeling a bit giggly and ditsy when I took this test, so all my choices were skewed to the happy-go-lucky direction. Thank God I'm really a....
You Are A Redhead!
Fun, innocent and flirty, guys are drawn to your firey ways.
Your fun personality drives the men wild, and they just can't enough of you!
With that girl-next-door charm and those bright eyes, you can get what you want in a snap...
Keep them beggin' honey!!
What's *Your* Inner Hair Color?
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You Attract Normal Guys!
Not that "normal" is a bad thing... you just prefer not to get your heart broken.
You've probably dated enough losers in your life, learned from it, and become an ultra cool chick.
And it's this togetherness that attracts the right kind of guy.
Healthy guys aren't afraid of intimacy or commitment.
They'll call you after a first date, but they won't want to move in after one week.
Normal guys can solve their own problems - and will help you solve yours.
To keep things blissful with your normal guy (or to get the right one), it's easy.
Continue to be the super incredible chick that you are, no emotional baggage or issues.
Normal, incredible guys love girls like you.
What Kind of Guy Do *You* Attract?
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Your Sexual Energy is Red!
You are on fire, and it is no wonder, because you have a naturally hot libido.
Your sexuality erupts spontaneously.
And when you are hot, you seek release as quickly as possible.
In bed, you know how to turn your lover on. How could you not?
You are a wild woman when you get it on.
You will fondle and lick and stroke and suck to get you want you want.
Only some people can handle your eagerness in bed, but those who can will never stray.
You have the sexual appetite of a man with the stamina of a woman.
It often feels like you could have a zillion orgasms.
Your way of picking up lovers-to-be is no less outrageous.
You will often go out on a limb in public to lure someone into bed.
And you succeed easily, as many people are turned on by your aggressive flirting.
Your sexual goal for self-improvement should be to learn how to love the little things in romance.
You can learn to embrace the sensual, lighter pleasures in life...
As much as you already appreciate the raw, physical aspects of sex.
Madonna and Christina Aguilera both have red sexual energies full of passion and brilliance.
Be sure to check out people who have outcomes of yellow, green, and pink, as they are pristine matches for you.
What Color is Your Sexual Energy?
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I took it the first time and it said I had this kind of ass:
The second time it said I had this kind...
So what gives? Can't they get their ass-detection tech. straight?
Your Hottest Body Part is Your Legs!
You have legs, and you know how to use them.
You've got the legs of a dancer or model - shapely and sexy.
You can make a miniskirt sing as you walk down the street.
Whether you're pimping it in high heels or just wearing gym shorts, you always look great.
Wrapping your legs around your man's back always makes you feel great :-)
You could make a fortune as a leg model.
Celebs who work their legs as hard as you do include: Cameron Diaz, Elle McPherson, Catherine Zeta Jones, and of course, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos.
Want to play up your legs even more?
Let them show, baby! Short skirts, micro shorts, fishnets... you know the deal.
And keep your legs super looking by getting a fake or real tan - covers any little flaws you might have!
What's Your Hottest Body Part??
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Which means you’re as innocent as can be. Or rather, you look it.
Why, you’re practically a virgin.
“Practically” because even Little Miss Innocent will one day grow up to be Little Miss Sex Kitten.
You like to play the girl next door, and you’re rather good at it.
But when push comes to fuck, you can get down with the best of them.
And have, on more than one occasion.
But pat yourself on the back, Meryl Streep, for acting so well.
You got everyone fooled. That’s an art!
Is *Your* Pussy Sweet or Sour?
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Quiz Diva Trip #2
You Are Occasionally Horny
Sex? You don't see what the big deal is all about.
You like to make love on occasion with the right men.
But all of this talk about threesomes, porn, and being tied up? You don't think so.
You're a true romantic.
What makes you horny is simply talking and getting to know someone.
If you are clicking with them, then the sexual ideas will creep in.
You can't get yourself to think about having sex with a stranger.
Unless he's Brad Pitt, of course.
How Horny Are You?
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Your Sex Sign is aries!
You're fiery, independent, and the best anyone's ever had.
You're so hot that you drive everyone wild with sexual frustration.
You're a total star when you're on top, but you also need to be impressed in bed.
What's *Your* Sex Sign?
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You really have no interest in becoming a lesbian.
You are all about being a straight girl.
You love dick and love going down on your man.
It's just when things turn gay you are a bit unsure.
The idea of gay sex just wigs you out.
No doubt you're gay friendly, it's just not for you personally.
Are *You* a Lesbian?
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You Are a Size Queen!
You are a Size Queen.
You love big dick, and you aren't afraid to let the world know it.
You constantly impress your friends by sniffing out big cocks in the most unlikely places.
"Size doesn't matter" is *so* not a phrase in your vocabulary.
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Quiz Diva Trip #3
You are traditional and normal - but potentially funky.
Chances are that this is the only piercing mom would let you have...
Or maybe you did it on a dare.
While you may seem tame for now, your ear piercing started your sexual revolution!
What Piercing Are *You*?
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You Are a Cybernormal!
You know how to find all the online action.
But you only respond if you have a strong attraction.
You've got to step up, if you want to get down or dirty.
Or you might not get laid again - until you're 30!
Are *You* a Cyberslut?
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37% in love.
32% gay.
I'm also 43% greedy and a mere 37% pure (go figure).
You're Insanly Mad
What type of Insanity are YOU?
Test by Snow Katt#101  Take the Sex Test

See what drug you are.

Who is Your Cowboy Bebop Soul Mate?
 god you dumbass.
What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
What Kind of Virgin Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're one of those perverts. You know what I'm talking about.
Clean yourself up, and get outside more! Fucker.
Why Will You Go To Hell? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat fear in your readers. You love to poke their brains with logic dealing with the darker side of the human mind and character. Truly surprising and a true individual, you'll do ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by Quizilla
What's Your Personality Type? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Mary Bell. At the ripe old age of 10 you strangled a neighbor boy, afterwhich you carved your initals into his skin. At his funreal you laughed. Your next victim was a 3 year old. You pushed him off the roof, resulting in a broken skull. After he was found you went to his mothers house and asked to see him, she replied tha t he was dead. You smiled brightly and said 'Oh, I know he's dead. I wanted to see him in his coffin."
You horrid little girl you.
-smacks your hand-
Which Imfamous criminal are you? brought to you by Quizilla
*giggle* told you i was evil
How would I kill myself?
my method of suicide: gunshot.
always straightforward and honest, you are fed up with the inconsistency of
life. your intelligence and tendency to be introspective leave you without
many people you can genuinely relate to. death, for you, is not a major priority,
but you can become intensely suicidal when you get depressed.
how would you commit suicide?
Quizila Quizzes
Now with Comments!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
Jack Off Jill (I can really relate to "My Cat"!)
David Bowie... he liked glitters, too!
Mediaeval Baebes
Dead Kennedys
Lords of Acid, they look good in vinyl, too!
Sisters of Mercy
Depeche Mode
Backstreet Boys! Yeah!
Anything with lots of beats per minute.
Skinny Puppy
The Cranes! he he
Marilyn Manson! Fuck you world!
Fuck, I don't know. Wumpscut.
(Be patient, it may take a few seconds before your browser reacts)
(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have? brought to you by Quizilla
wow... thats so bloody accurate.... let me go squeeze into my training bra now
 Angry Goth
What Kind of Goth Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
why am i taking goth quizzes? I'm closer to being a punk or even a nerd than a goth!
You're smart, you're thin, you're pretty, and goddamit, people love you. You are destined for great, great things, little Princetonian. Let there be a never-ending stream of Country-Club- Like institutions in your unmarred future.
Which Ivy League University is right for YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
I'd rather have Standford. Princeston is too pretentious for me. But I suppose I can live with it....as long as they have plenty of coffee between classes.
 You should be a Gemini, Productive, articulate, intelligent, curious, persuasive, witty, young, clever, cheerful, explorer, smooth, smart, convincing, amusing, gregarious, ingenious, but can be obstinate, can talk too much, tense, cunning, fickle, shallow, inconsistent, superficial, irritating and irritable
~*What is your TRUE Zodica sign?*~ brought to you by Quizilla
Kewl... I always wanted a twin of me. Or a clone...whatever's more possible at the time. We'd fight over our clothes, and play mind games with the boys ("mmm yes baby we're a package deal")
 You have a goodbye kiss- much passion and longing, but never lasting.
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Well yeah... i'm always kissing people good bye. I have places to be, and many more miles to go before I sleep. lol... no, actually I just have to leave so I can sleep.
 You Can Talk to Animals!
What's Your Magic Power? brought to you by Quizilla
ewww...cutesy stuff like this makes me sick right now... better take a sex quiz to counter act the nausea
 Disney movie! What the HELL are you doing taking this quiz, Goldilocks?! You're not a very sexual person...in fact, you're probably a virgin. You'd be better off trying your hand at voice-overs for a Saturday morning cartoon.
What kind of porno would you star in? brought to you by Quizilla
....gigggle.... giggle.... i can't stop... hahhahaha
 Rock on, dude! You are Punk music!
What type of music are you? brought to you by Quizilla
kewl... except my hair is better. and i'd never scrunch my face like that because it leads to early wrinkles... lol...lying i have enough make up to not worry about wrinkles
 You are cutting
What Self-Mutilation Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
sweet... i'm a cool self-mutliation!!! well, more artsy than burning...
its a joke quiz.. stop looking so horrified now
ur a ditz, just like me *giggles and twirls her hair* ur britany
ditz quiz brought to you by Quizilla
If you know me... oh you like totally know its true
 Congrats ur the TONGUE, get busy
**************What Part of the body are U?************* brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Andy
Which p$lightly damnaged crew member are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are normal, perhaps into sports a little too much but besides that, normal.
What do other people see you as? brought to you by Quizilla
its 4am...so giggle....cute lil drawy man
You're a geek. A real geek. As geeky as it comes
How Much of a Geek Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
you are Respectable Ronda, the Romantic Fantasy, you like to share the love making and give and recieve equally with your partner, your fantasy includes a bubblebath, candles. champagne, a pink lingerie and even the words " I LOVE YOU" awwwwwwww ... you make me sick!
Which sexual fantasy are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I really tried to cheat on this quiz! I took it multiple times! And what do i keepgetting ? Her... for gods sake... i hate that romance stuff
You are up to date and understand politics fairly well. You either belong to a party or will later in life. You are on your way to being politically aware. The government is important, but there is more to the world. This is a healthy view.
Politcal or Just Hate the Government? brought to you by Quizilla
wooohoooo.. down with the man... oh wait i am the man...
 Your a southdown, your breed is a meat breed, but your happy anyways, that is if you get your food.
What kind of lamb are you? (with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Amateur movie! You might not be too experienced in the way of sex...but chances are, you do enjoy it (or the thought of it). We'll probably see you in some home video that surfaces on the internet one day.
What kind of porno would you star in? brought to you by Quizilla
I'm always amatueur porn. lol.
ARE YOU A GIRL? brought to you by Quizilla
Your Stripper Name is Elly Mae!
You're a small town girl who's the big star at your local strip club.
Sure you may not be a Scores girl in NYC, but you're by far the hottest chick in town.
And that means, eventually, that you'll probably snag the richest guy in town - Anna Nicole style.
You'll give a lap dance or two if it means an extra twenty dollar bill at the end of the night...
But you're shocked by what some strippers will do to make some extra cash.
You are a friendly girl and don't mind pleasing customers - as long as you can still look your grandmother in the eye.
What's *Your* Stripper Name?
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I'd shoot myself if i came from a small town....
You are a SUBTLE Flirt!
This is the female equivalent of "the strong and silent type."
Or, the whole "still waters run deep" thing.
And that makes you dangerous. Oh, yes…dangerous.
You lull men (and competitive women) into a false sense of security.
By appearing nonthreatening, quiet and unassuming, you can strike at the right moment, when no one's expecting it.
It's a method that’s tried and true over the ages and it works wonders for you.
So go on, with your sneaky self, Ms. Covert Ops.
What Kind of Flirt Are *You*?
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Yes, i'm a quicksand lover
Who says I'm innocent? lies all lies...
 Your dream guy is jokester and always telling you very funny jokes you and him have great times together always having a blast!
Whats your dream Guy like Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
What's Your Personality Type? brought to you by Quizilla
haven't I taken this quiz before? yep... oh well.. i just wasted your download bandwidth for nothing ;)
 Your are: FLIRTY! You try and move in on anyone! Even members of the same sex?!? Well, that's interesting!
What mood are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I did not know that flirty was a mood.
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