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In some cases, I've worked very hard on these works. In others, I've just lazily pratted them off the tips of my fingers and into the computer. Some of these are good. Some are bad. Some are under revision to turn them from bad (or unfinished) to good. Tell me if you like any of 'em. Suggestiosn are always welcome.

Name (Type of Work)
Description Status

its a story about lost love set in a dystopian future. The main character is a lonely brilliant insecure girl, and she falls in love with a mechanical beaurocrat. Their love is doomed to fail, and eventually is ended by actions of the ominous Central Committee (mayhaps they're in China?).

I've been told that 'though its about emotions it treats the subject in a cold clinical fashion. Any emotion conveyed should be deep, there's no surface tension here. I'm revising it in order to tie up some lose ends.

Hopefully you'll like this story. Tell me what you think about it.
Finished: Being Revised
Its about something(Poem) Inspired by a song by Atmosphere, that I couldn't get out of my mind all summer long. I'd dreamt the the words of this peom and wrote it at midnight within a 10 minute blip of typing fury. Even I'm not sure about what it means, taken individually the stanzas can make sense, but as a whole I've never been able to find a unifying pattern. Totally out of order this poem is the most chaotic I have. If you can help me finish it, thanks. If you can't and hate it, then remember that I hate i too. Thus this work is: Terminally Unfinished *Strange* Terminally Unfinished

Mary Part I


Mary was supposed to be a story taken from two points of view. One from the view of a mercenary hired to assassinate a young girl, and two the view from the girl. This part was supposed to contain all the backstory, but I never actually converted my outline of the story into actual prose. And since this work has languished in my harddrive since the early summer, I feel it whole appropriate to term it : Terminally Unfinished Terminally Unfinished

Mary Part II


The second part of the Mary saga, written from the 3rd person perspective with the narrative eye locked in on Mary, the teenage target of the assassination. Why is part two finished before part one? Well I skipped ahead to see if i could write an ending to the story, and once i was satisfied with the ending, I never bothered to finish the beginning.

This is a work of fantasy sci-fi. There's some strange occurrences, and a lot of action. Not exactly what you'd expect from me? Tough.

Finished: Being Revised 
Meeting in the Moldy Marketplace (Prose) Ah I had such great plans for this story. And I still do, so I don't plan on describing it right now. I'll save that until I actually finish the outline of the plot. Unfinished (Draft #1)
Me (poem) A quickie poem intended to describe me, or at least a small slince of myself. Done
Assorted Poetry Titles: Tragic, Hope, Insight, Elipses (Timmy Poems), Vision Bleek Done

"Is...." poems

Titles: Life is ....(censored version), A mind is....., Life is ....(uncensored version) Done

Last lines of life (Poem)

A lot of craptastic poetry is written when a teen is in a dark place. I'm a teen, and I'm no stranger to darkness. I wrote this when I was very, very, very, and let me say again for extra empahasis ... very much distressed. Done. In its way.
Painful BreakUp (Poem) The title says it all. Done

Vision Bleek, edition 2 (Poem)

More of the fun that comes from having a pessimistic view of life, and enough angst and frustration to drown in. Done

Fantasy Rangers


Haha. No this not a power rangers sketch. It was another one of my unfinished summer stories. I guess its not a good idea to try writting while tanning. Or heat leads to languar or something like that. Anyways, its not finished, but I kind of like it, so it might be one day. Unfinished (Draft #1)
VR Split (Prose) Name has oh so little to do with the story. It about a man who falls in love with a vitual reality girl, and the saddness he has as her matrix begins to dissolve. Its ... well I'm not happy with it. Its hinky. But I'd appreciate any help on this one. Unfinished (Draft #2)
I am War Some say that war is glory.That it is necessary and at times good. But this is all second-hand speech, whispered into the ears of men, by that creature known as conflict. What would war say if it could speak for itself? Done
Weak Brotha Once upon a time, I met a boy who didn't know what he was doing.... and I was merciful to him. True story with some embelishments. Done
Road Trip 1 A fantastic adventure with my friends on a road trip that goes no-where..... Issue 1 Done
Road Trip 2 A fantastic adventure with my friends on a road trip that goes no-where..... Issue 2 Done

Explanation of Status :

(1) Finished & Being Revised: The entire story is techically written, but I'm still revising it, and will welcome any critique of any sort to help me reshape it.

(2) Done: I'm done and don't care about revising it.

(3) Unfinished (Draft #): I've started, and will hopefully one day complete this work.

(4) Terminally Unfinished: I started writting, and for a moment or so I was inspired enough to write a bit. That moment passed, and I never got around to finishing the work. Probably never will.

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All Rights Reserved
Webmaster: M.E. - [email protected]