New on June 12 2003 |
Quote of the day : "A revolution is not a dinner party
A revolution is an insurrection,
An act of violence by which one class overthrows another." - MAO
Thanks to Eric from ICQ, there's a new section to my survey.
As usual, I've added a few things to my journal.
I'm thinking of closing down the rants section. At least till I get back to school and my mind is restimulated.
I've been writting another story. Here's a teaser, if you like it... feel free to IM me and ask for more (you know where, you got this website from my IM details)...
Comments, gripes, whines, snickers, and random ranting about my story is not just welcome but encourage. I want feedback, and at this early stage of writing I NEED feedback.
Teaser to follow
The spell had promised the world. It claimed it'd bring him the perfect girl, one who was not only beautiful but lusty and fixated on him. "Perfect", he snorted midway through chanting the spell, "Nothings ever perfect."
The last word from the spell slipped from his tongue, Taylor immediately noticed a change in the air. It was the middle of winter, and a soft layer of snow covered everything in sight. Despite all this, the scent of marigolds and roses tickles his nose. The air before him shimmer lightly, and then seemed to wobble and stretch in an improbably fashion. Suddenly with a burst of silver light, she appeared.
She stood a brush width bellow his chin, with long curly blonde hair that sillhouted her face and caressed down her body reaching bellow her waist. She looked up at him, sweeping her golden hair from her face.
"You summoned me. I am yours." Her words were flat emotionally, but rang with a sweet melody thoguh out night air.
He blinked at her. In all his life, he'd never seen a woman, girl, or goddess as beautiful as she. As she brushed away her hair, and neatly tucked it behind her back, he saw her in totality for the first time. His eyes gleamed with desire, reflecting her body. He lovd every part of her. He loved her milky skin with a hint of hazel, the curved hills of her breasts with pin-prick pink points at the tips, the way her hair curled at the nape of her neck, and the slim part between her legs.
He didn't know how long he stood there staring at her, but when he woke up from his daze, her lips were on him and pressed against his in a kiss. He shuddered and she pulled away. A trace of sugarplum remained on his lips. She smiled and he realized he was laughing uncontrollably.
"She's perfect. Perfect Perfect and all mine!"
New on April 12 2003 |
Uploaded a new rant, and a few new stories about my road trip. Also
discovered that this website looks absolutely terrible an 800x600. So
try and view it in 1024 x 768, which is the obscure resolution I use
on my monitor.
Got my diary page to link to my old site. But the frame is outsized
in 800x600, so either change resolution or just link to <www.ujournal.org/users/trippin_sweet>
New on April 15, 2003 |
Uploaded a few of my stories. And completely re-did my pictures page.
Some of you will be pleasantly surprised. Some of you not so much.
Now the survey is "never-ending" survey. I put that in quotes because
I'll keep updating it until either I run out of suggestions of what
to add, or I run out of patience.
Quote of the day by me: Anyone can win...... unless I'm
entering the race too.
Quote of the the day by someone famous:
They have computers, and they may have other weapons of mass destruction.
- Attributed to Janet Reno.
Political Quote of the Day: On gunownership:
· "A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device
to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie." - Lenin
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to top ^
My name's Allison, but you're going to call me Alle. Nicknames include
allicat, SLip, narcissia, 2cute, teenage_minx, and numerous more. Needless
to say, I'm eclectic (have to be to gain all those names).
But that's not the reason you're here, you're here probably because
I forced you to come or you were enticed into visiting by some neat description
I left while on ICQ. You're asking youreslf, "what is Allison like?"
and "why doesn't she stop rambling and just tell me?" I know you are,
I'm psychic like that (one of my many good qualities). Don't worry, there
are (count 'em) three ways to find out what I'm like.
1) My pictures - where you can see digitalized footage of my body taken
from a few angels. Also contains some variety of pictures of me avoiding
getting my picture taken.
2) My Details - The various
things I've said to describe myself online throughout my life
3) My Survey - One of thoese
neat, sometimes cheeky surveys that everyone takes online
4) My Quiz Results - Do you want to know what my inner hair color is?
(blonde) Or my sercret talent? (its a secret love) Or perhaps you want
to know what I taste like? (fruit-loops) Well wonder no longer! Because
the internet guru's have peered deep into my soul and discovered what
I really am, and so can you! Warning: Contains a lot of Graphics.
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Details - Random facts to pull back the veil |
Nickname: SLip
---> depending on how I feel ny nickname can mean (1) slip of tongue
(2) slip underwear (3) slpping up (4) that i'm a slip of a girl
I'm a lil shorty of age 19... a wanna-be writter and a non-proffessional
ranter/reflector.... measuring a mere 4'9'' but with a lot of spunk. I'll
talk about anything that's interesting to me, because I have an opinion
on everything.I've been called playfully serious because of the way I like
to talk about the intellectual, w/o loosing touch of the fact that its
too abstract to matter.
I love candy..starbursts...I love animated discussions about things that
are funny but you have to be there to get it. I hate excessive repetition....
my memory IS bad, but not that bad. I'm outdoorsy, without wearing flannel,
and rebellious without having anything pierced. I'm cute.I'm kind,and,cool & conscious....
what more could u want?
I'm an only child, still living with my parents. I live in D.C. and am
currently going to NOVA studying to be either a research librarian or a
At least
of those
dreams will come true, I hope.
Favorite Quote: My parents don't know.... But I'm the kind of person,
they're warning me to stay away from.
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Personal Survey - Better than the census! |
[[ Name ]] Allie
[[ Nicknames, including from family ]] SLip, Angel, Her, Sweets, Doll,
Slick, Fae, Bunny, Lil'One, Shorty, Naturale
[[ Birthday ]] 03/23/1984
[[ Age ]] 19
[[ Astrological sign? ]] Aires
[[ Chinese zodiac sign? ]] Rat
[[ Sexual Preference ]] Oh so very straight
[[ Marital Status ]] Single w/o stalkers
[[ Current Haircolor ]] Redbrown
[[ Eyecolor... W/ & W/O contacts ]] Greyish Hazel
[[ Height ]] 4'9''
[[ Weight ]] 95-100
[[ Parents still together?]] Still sleeping together even
[[ Siblings? ]] Nope
[[ Nieces/Nephews? ]] 100s, The restt of the family breeds like a plague
[[ Kids of your own? ]] You're joking?
[[ Grandkids? ]] In a parallel universe...yes
[[ Pets? ]] Nope
[[ In school/graduated? ]] I'm always in school
[[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ]] My parents provide roof
[[ What do you do for work? ]] Sell good used-books to undeserving customers
[[ How much do you make? ]] $8 per hour
[[ Have any credit cards? ]] I'm too poor for that, and too smart to get
them anyways
[[ AmEx? ]] N/A
[[ Can I use em for a few days? ]] only if you sell your soul to me
[[ What do you drive? ]] other people crazy
[[ Black/White ]] Black
[[ Red/Blue ]] Blue
[[ Dogs/Cats ]] dogs
[[ Roses/Daisies ]] diaises
[[ Beer/Liquor ]] Liquor
[[ Thongs or Bikini's *wink* ]] Bikini's
[[ Hair: Short/Long ]] Long
[[ Boots/Shoes ]] sneakrers
[[ Food: Mexican/Italian ]] Chinese
[[ Dark/Light ]] Dark
[[ Day/Night ]] Night
[[ City/Country ]] City
[[ Sheets ]] WTF?
[[ Sub/Dom ]] I really don't care enough to categorize myself....
[[ Color ]] BLUE!!!
[[ Animal ]] Panther
[[ Vehicle ]] Porche 911 '99 edition
[[ Flower ]] Foxglove
[[ Beer ]] Amstel
[[ Liquor ]] Smirnoff
[[ Soda ]] Coke
[[ Food ]] I'm anorexic...
[[ Book(s) ]] Sci-fi variety
][ Band ]] SR-71
[[ CD ]] Nas - I am
[[ Song ]] Swollen Members - Bad Dreams
[[ Movie ]] Momento
[[ Director ]] I'll have to look into that
[[ Country ]] Cayman Isles
[[ State ]] Virginia!
[[ City ]] Atlanta
[[ School Subject ]] English
[[ Movie genre ]] Noir
[[ Extracurricular Activity ]] Theatre
Do you...
[[ Color your hair? ]] Never
[[ Have tattoos? ]] nope
[[ Piercings? ]] ears
[[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ]] i have boys who are friends
[[ Floss daily? ]] just as ordered by the dentist
[[ Own a webcam? ]] i'm too poor for that
[[ Ever get off the damn computer? ]] only when i'm ripped off by wild
[[ Sprechen Sie Deutcsh? ]] Only the curse words
[[ Hablar Espanol? ]] Que conio?
[[ Quack? Quack quack? ]] goes the duck
Have you...
[[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ]] nope
[[ Been arrested? ]] never been caught
[[ Stolen a car? ]] i plead the 5th
[[ Stolen anything? ]] i've "borrowed" things before
[[ Smoke? ]] not in a while
[[ Pot? ]] i'm sure i breathed it in once or twice
[[ Crack? ]] no bloody way
[[ Drink? ]] sure
[[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ]] i never remember my
[[ Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name?
]] nope
[[ Posed for nude pics? ]] of myself? no way!
[[ Considered a life of crime? ]] I'm an MP3 smuggler
[[ Considered being a hooker? ]] It doesn't pay well enough
[[ Maybe a pimp? ]] that's more like it
[[ Cheated on someone? ]] nah
[[ Been married? ]] not on your life
[[ Been divorced? ]] yes
Are you psycho?
[[ Split personalities? ]] Yes, No.
[[ Schizophrenic? ]] the voices surround me
[[ Obsessive? ]] yes
[[ Compulsive? ]] yes
[[ Obsessive Compulsive? ]] i'm sorry i have to wash my hands now
[[ Panic? ]] nope
[[ Anxiety? ]] you're not worth my worry
[[ Depressed? ]] sure
[[ Suicidal? ]] who told you?
[[ Homicidal? ]] i'll kill ya just for mentioning it
[[ Genocidal? ]] stalin's my hero!
[[ Pedophile? *sick fawkr* ]] i'm too young to be one
[[ Obsessed with hate? ]] only for those who royally deserve it
[[ Mutilate animals? ]] no, McDonald's pre-mutilates them for me
[[ Idolize infamous criminals? ]] nope, they all got caught
[[ Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? ]] nope
[[ Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? ]] lol
[[ Had sex outdoors? ]] oral sex
Right now...
[[ What are you listening to? ]] the sweet sounds of silence
[[ What are you watching? ]] the computer screen
[[ What time is it? ]] too early
[[ What are you wearing? ]] too little
[[ Wanna cyber? *wink* ]] too chaste
[[ Hey baby, nice shoes... ]] thanks
[[ What're you drinking? ]] an expresso
[[ Eating? ]] crackers
[[ Got both hands on the keyboard? ]] now i do
[[ You sure bout that? ]] now that you mention it, no
[[ Who are you talkin to? ]] some uk brat
[[ What other windows do you have open? ]] notepad, icq, wordweb, and i.e.
[[ How bored are you? haha ]] i'm taking this survey aren't i?
If you could...
[[ Be anywhere, where would you be? ]] alternate universe where pigs can
[[ Who would you be with? ]] my flying pig ofcoure, and a horse
[[ What would you be doin? ]] snapping pictures of hell slowly freezing
Finished? Now scroll back up and contact me with 1-5 more questions you
think could be added to this survey.
New questions ... Courtesty of Eric of ICQ
if you could ....
[[ Be with anyone, who would you be with ? ]] Eric ofcourse, he's so handsomely manly to make a quiz section for me
[[ do anything, what would you do? ]] I'd fly. Why? #1, because then i'd be taller than everyone #2, because now finally eric can look up my skirt without being kinky about it
[[ whats your favorite part of your body? ]] my hair.. i like playing with it when i'm bored, when i'm lonely, when i'm eating, when i'm giving head, when i'm talking on the phone, when i'm sleeping
[[ whats your favorite part of a guy/girls body? ]] on a guy it has to be pecs... nothing turns me on faster than a set of wonderously overdone chest muscles... on a girl, its the ass, because mines the best there ever was
[[ what would you change about your body? ]] I'd definitely be taller... i hate not being able to survive in mosh pits for longer than 3 seconds..being crushed underfoot is no joke
[[ favorite animal? ]] my cute lil kitten... i love to stroke it
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Additional Stuff....
This is technically a Quizz...
but It tells enough about me that I'll add it to the Info Section
Purity Test
1. Have you ever gone on a date? yes
2. Have you ever held hands? yes
3. Have you ever kissed someone? yes
4. ...French? yes
5. Have you ever petted someone's breasts or had yours petted? yes
6. Have you ever had oral sex? yes
7. Have you ever had sex? no
8. Have you ever had anal sex? no
9. Have you ever stood someone up? no
10. Have you ever skinny dipped? yes
11. Have you ever seen a porno movie/magazine/website? yes
12. Have you ever had alcohol? yes
13. Have you ever gotten drunk? yes
14. Have you ever cheated on a test in school? yes... but not seriously
15. Have you ever cut a class at school? yes... to be with my boyfriend
16. Have you ever gotten in a fist fight? yes... but she was a bitch who
teased me
17. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? yes...during vacation
18. Have you ever smoked pot? no
19. Have you ever done e? no
20. Have you ever used shrooms? no
21. Have you ever used acid? yes.... aparantly i skipped the gateway drug
22. Have you ever used cocain? no
23. Have you ever purposely overdosed on painkillers? yes.... but my hand
was sprained
24. Have you ever shoplifted? no... but i have gotten others to shoplift
for me
25. Do you steal from work? no... i love my job
26. Have you ever been suspended? yes.... unfairly....she WAS a bitch
27. Have you ever been arrested? no... i'm lucky and too quick to catch
28. Have you ever been inside of a jail? yes....in an intervention before
my mom realized I was just depressed and not a wildly rebellious teen
29. Have you ever taken money from a collection plate? no
30. Have you ever used a racial slur? no.... i only know one, and i don't
say it
31. Have you ever stolen someone's boyfriend or girlfriend? no... but had
mine stolen
32. Have you ever stolen from your partner? yes.... but only my
partner in crime;)
33. Have you ever cheated on a partner? not when we're exclusive
34. Have you trespassed? yes....i do it everyday... the parks i like to
run in close after dark
35. Have you ever slept naked next to someone? yes
36. Have you ever used whipped cream or chocolate sauce in a sexual manner? sure
37. Have you ever movie jumped? (seen an extra movie or two) yes..saves
38. Have you ever made someone bleed? yes
39. ...Intentionally? no.... she WAS a bitch, but i really hate blood and
just wanted a nice bruise
40. Have you ever tried to kill someone? yes
41. ...In your right mind? no i was harrassed into temporary insanity
42. Have you ever screamed out the wrong persons name during sexual intercourse? no
43. Have you ever worn the underwear of someone of the opposite sex or
had yours worn? gaaaaaaah.... that's so sick.. NO
44. Have you ever lied to a loved one? yes.... i told him i didnt' midn
it when he wore my underrwear... lol....no i'm brutally honest
45. Have you ever gotten alcohol poisoning? no
46. Have you ever taken a hit of the imagination joint? yes... and did
the imaginary needle and snorted the pretend cocaine
47. Have you ever gotten contact high? what? no? yes? maybe....
48. Have you ever crowd surfed? i've not gone to concerts
49. Have you ever streaked? sure...streak a plenty
50. Have you ever masturbated? mmmhmmmm
51. Have you ever stink palmed someone (picked your butt and then shaken
someone's hand)? ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww no
52. Have you stayed on a date after midnight? sure
53. ...After 6:00 am? well i slept over... duh....yes
54. Have you ever told someone else's secret that you swore not to tell?
55. Have you ever caused yourself to intentionally throw up? no i'm not
that screwed up when it comes to food.... i have a plethora of other ways
to be screwed up in... besides i hate voimmit
56. Have you ever kissed someone of the gender you're not attracted to
(if you're bi and have kissed guys and girls just check yes) sure....
i was bi
57. Have you ever had an orgasm? easily, always, yes
58. Have you ever been pregnant or gotten someone pregnant? no
59. Have you ever had or given a hickie? yes
60. Have you ever walked in on people having sex? yes
61. Have you ever plagiarized anything? yes... on papers due the same day
i was writting them
62. Do you curse often? no but i used to
63. Have you ever yelled your principal in school? yes
64. ...Did you use curses? YES.....he didn't realize how much of a bitch
she was....I had to correct his misassessment and cursing seemed to be
the best way to get his attention
65. Have you ever told someone, outside your family, you loved them seriously? yes
66. Have you ever toilet papered someone's house? yes... and car... and
tree..and body
67. Have you fantasized about sex? yes
68. Have you ever gotten a tattoo or piercing (besides ear)? no
69. Have you ever spied on a neighbor? yes....that's what you get for not
having blinds lol.... think Friends and "fat naked ugly naked guy"
70. Have you ever purposely caused a car accident? no
71. Have you ever written on school property? yep.. i left my mark on the
catwalks in the auditorium
72. Have you ever used a hair coloring product? yes... it came out oh so
73. Have you made up and spread evil rumors about someone? yes
74. ...Was this person your friend? yep.... it was a rumor spreading contest
b/w us
75. Have you ever taken a purity test and decided your score was too high? yes...
i know i'm far more evil than you give me credit for
You're 36 % pure.
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to top ^
Diary -
Entries in the soap opera that is my life
Quizes -
Everything you wanted to know about me...but were afraid to ask.
& Poems -
So much excitement, it'll make your head spin.
Rants -
Verbal vomit with a bit of wit, and no aftertaste
of Me - Embrace your voyeuristic tendacies
Me - Find me! IM me ! Email me !
of the Day
